Monthly Archives: January 2017

New Year, New Me – Thanks to Live Blackjack

play-cardsHey there, my lovelies! It’s been a long time since I last checked in with you, too long if you ask me… There was a reason for that. But since January is the celebration of new beginnings, I decided to bite the bullet and come clean.

Remember the diet I told you about – the Whole 30? Well, that thing was really hard but I mastered it somehow. For a few weeks, at least. I lost weight, got more energetic than ever and even gave jogging a try. Without my wine and cheese, I felt as fresh as a daisy. I was starting to believe I could go on like that forever. I went so far as to wonder why I hadn’t started earlier. Can you imagine?

Then, I decided I knew what I was doing, so I allowed myself small rewards – a glass of champagne at a friend’s wedding, a piece of velvet cake at a baby shower. It slowly but surely spiralled out of control. Life got in the way, as they say. The saddest part was that I didn’t even know it until it was too late – One day, I simply realised I had gained the dreaded pounds right back and was managing stress by drowning it in wine.

I wallowed in masochistic guilt and self-depreciation for some time… What could I do? Christmas was coming and with it all the things I love! You didn’t expect me to start a diet in partylicious December, did you? So, I went on with my disastrous way of life some more, gaining even more pounds and feeling even worse.

Around Christmas, I really got hooked on live blackjack. Playing the game and perfecting my strategy made me proud of myself. At a point, it was the only thing that got me going. I really put my back into it – reading up on pro tips and even what other players had to say in forums and support groups. Some of the best tips I got were from but shhh, you don’t want too many people to know about how they can take advantage of online casinos and enjoy themselves playing live blackjack. It’s a tip for my devout followers only. Wink. Wink.

So, I played a lot and made a good amount of cash just in time – I had maxed out my credit card shopping for Christmas presents, as you might imagine. But then, I went on playing and winning and playing and winning. I felt better about myself and quite positive with the new year starting and all. Anything is possible. I might restart my diet, get a gym membership… If a 47-year-old Renée Zellweger can play a 43-year-old Bridget Jones, imagine what I could do in a year.

I raise my glass to the New year! Here’s to a New Me! Bring it on, 2017! From yours truly, have an unforgettable year! Love, Genie xx