Welcome to My Sustainable Online Casino Blog

WelcomeHiya, I’m Geneva but friends call me Genie. I thought long and hard about my first post and decided to be perfectly honest with you. I broke up with my long-term boyfriend a few months ago and, surprise, surprise, I’m still recovering. He said some mean things but this one really hit home… He said I never finished anything.

I guess I must have sensed that subconsciously. Why would I have let the thought blossom in my mind otherwise? I started pondering, reminiscing… I looked back on failed relationships. I even tried blaming it on my parents – I mean, I could have a quitter gene or something. Then, I realised I was overthinking it.

I told myself, “Genie, just commit to something and don’t quit it, no matter what! That’ll show him!” I instantly came up with the perfect plan – I could commit to eating Cadbury Dairy Milk Fruit and Nut but quickly realised I was already doing that.

I decided it was only fair that one should commit to the last thing she’d already started. In my case, that was online casino games. You see, my girls took me to a casino right after my break-up and I loved it. We went there every week for a while but, since all my girls have kids or husbands or both, soon enough it was just me, myself and I. I didn’t want to frequent a land-based casino all by myself, so I brought the casino home.

So, that’s my story. I hereby commit to playing online casino games. I’m starting this blog to hold myself accountable, so to say. I don’t know how often I’ll be able to report to you but as long as I don’t quit, we’re all good. A Sustainable Online Casino Blog – yay! Wish me luck – I’ll be needing it!